Vitamins That Can Lower Risk of Heart Disease


Vitamins That Can Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Recently, a study suggests that we can take supplements of vitamin D in order to increase performance in sports.

More importantly, vitamin D in supplement form may reduce the risk of heart disease.
researchers from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh to present the study to the annual conference of the Society for Endocrinology.
Vitamin D is produced in the body by exposure to ultraviolet B rays from the sun.But vitamin D also can be obtained through diet or supplements.The source of this vitamin for example derived from fish oil and eggs, but it would be difficult to get vitamin D only when dieting.
In the body, vitamin D helps control calcium and phosphate levels in the blood and plays a vital role in the formation of bones and teeth, The researchers of the new study, led by Dr. Emad Al-Dujaili, said previous studies have shown that vitamin D can block the action of an enzyme called 11-βHSD1, which helps in making the stress hormone cortisol.
To test their hypothesis, the researchers gave each of 13 healthy adults 50 mg of vitamin D per day, and the others received a placebo for a period of 2 weeks.Placebos are inactive substances or drugs that look the same and are given in the same manner as active drug or treatment being tested.
After 2 weeks, the results showed that the study subjects who received vitamin D supplements had lower blood pressure and lower levels of cortisol.They are measured by urine tests, compared to subjects given placebo.
Because vitamin D can lower levels of cortisol in the body, the researchers theorized that it could improve performance during exercise and reduce risk factors for cardiovascular problems.

Vitamins That Can Lower Risk of Heart Disease 4.5 5 littleBrother Recently, a study suggests that we can take supplements of vitamin D in order to increase performance in sports. More importantly, vit...

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